WordPress Install Using XAMPP


1. open xampp and start apache + mysql

2. select admin in mysql option

3. create a database on 'new' option 

   in databases pan. 

  a. input database name in input 

    field (database name).

    avoid - number , symbol

    only use - smaller alphabet

I type database name is 'surovydb'

  b. select database type.

     I selete utf8_general_ci

  c. click create button to create      database

4. Go to xampp -> htdocs -> create a folder and rename it [your website name (use only small alphabet)]

I rename this folder is 'surovy'.

5. paste this path xampp -> htdocs ->surovy wordpress.org (core file).

 a. extract wordpress folder 

 b. delete wordpress zip folder

 c. open wordpress folder

 d. select all item and move to surovy

 e . delete wordpress folder

6. localhost/surovy visit browser address bar.

  a . select language (I select english) and continue

  b. click lets go button

  c. fill up this field as per database information

Database name - > surovydb

Database username - > root (default username in xampp)

Database password -> (none) *please blank this field

Database host -> localhost

Table prefix (if you want to run more than one WordPress in a single database) -> wp_

  d. click submit button

  e. click run the installation button

  f. fill up information


   Site Title - > our website

   Username - > admin(website login username)

   Password - > 1234 (website login password)

   Confirm Password - > check (yes) -- Confirm use of weak password

   Your Email - > towkir.python@gmail.com (admin mail)

   Search engine visibility - > not complete website it will be check mark. I cheked this field

 g. click install wordpress button

7.  Success! WordPress has been installed. Thank you, and enjoy! 

8. if you want visit your site you can use this path in browser address bar -- localhost/surovy

9. if you access this website you can use those link

   a. localhost/surovy/wp-admin

   b. localhost/surovy/admin

   c. localhost/surovy/wp-login.php

   d. localhost/surovy/login.php

10. input your username and password as per database store information

11. click login button to access your website.

Thank you

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